Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Janine Antoni Video Interview Response

All of Janine Antoni’s works demonstrates thoughtful and meaningful ideas, but I think Antoni’s work relates to her identify in some way or form because she wanted to incorporate herself and her body in her work. 

Antoni’s work that represents an umbilical cord represents herself and those who are close to her.  What stands out is that she uses a rope to tie those who are close to her into the piece.  It’s very interesting how others, the people closest to Antoni, also created things to help put into the object to represent themselves.  How she’s adding her friends and family is really inspiring because she found a unique way to add those people into a piece. 

While making the rope, Antoni thought about how it would be interesting to walk on the rope, therefore she taught herself how to tight rope.  I admire this idea because Antoni is thinking of ways to use herself to interact with her piece.  The rope represented her life, and the people who are in her life, so it was interesting how she decided to go back to the Bahamas, and tight rope on the beach outside of the house, which she grew up. 

I really admire how Antoni’s immerse herself into her work.  How she used herself in multiple ways allowed her work to bring on a whole different meaning.  This allows her to think in different ways because she lets her work bring her to other pieces.  If it’s the rope project, to learning to tight rope, to allowing her to then think about a piece about falling. 

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